Not Nearly Busy Enough

So, many are asking what am I doing, cause I'm certainly not blogging. Well, it is not spinning of that you can be sure. Working, well yes, I have been working, not long hours, but working. Going to school? Yes, I am taking 2 classes but that is not over taxing. So, what is it that is taking up my time. I have been crocheting, and knitting. I don't have a picture of the knitted blanket, but the crochet

So, that is about all I have done, no spinning, nothing fancy like that. I also have been visiting PA and am on my way to Indiana next week. After that Earthpig, BlueJinx, Fozzie and I are going to go to Gatlinburg, TN for a w/e. It has been, and continues to be, a busy summer for me this year. Usually I only have one vacation.
Gosh girl, you have been so busy! And I have been such a lazy friend. :( The baby blanket looks wonderful...beautiful...a work of art. I'm glad you are doing well in school, I know from experience that it's exciting to do well the second time around. Maybe we just weren't ready for college the first time. So, would you like the rest of the lemon merino in skeins or wound in a ball? It's sitting here ready for me to ask you that important question. Mocking me every chance it gets for not putting it in the mail.
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