Not Nearly Busy Enough

So, many are asking what am I doing, cause I'm certainly not blogging. Well, it is not spinning of that you can be sure. Working, well yes, I have been working, not long hours, but working. Going to school? Yes, I am taking 2 classes but that is not over taxing. So, what is it that is taking up my time. I have been crocheting, and knitting. I don't have a picture of the knitted blanket, but the crochet

So, that is about all I have done, no spinning, nothing fancy like that. I also have been visiting PA and am on my way to Indiana next week. After that Earthpig, BlueJinx, Fozzie and I are going to go to Gatlinburg, TN for a w/e. It has been, and continues to be, a busy summer for me this year. Usually I only have one vacation.